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 Since the Czech vinette from our trip to Poland was still valid for a month, we decided to go back and explore Prague. For me it's all about the architecture in this gorgeous city.

We got lazy and decided to take the "hop on, hop off" bus for a day to scope out more of the sites and to get an overview of the city. This next photo is of the opera house from the bus window.

Wandering the streets you find some interesting/strange" things. They have a fascination with "old timers" (their term for antique cars).

Walking from the "castle hill" side of town towards the "old town" through cobblestone streets.

A visit to Prague would be incomplete without a stroll across the Charles Bridge.

There's the castle on the hill, on the other side of the Vltava river.

Park your car and take mass transit in this city. The parking is a mess, and navigating all the one-way streets is just as bad. You can get anywhere with the subways, street cars and buses.

As with many European cities, there's a church on every other corner, although the people are not particularly religious. It's part of the cultural heritage.

This church is part of the castle grounds.

We arrived just in time for the changing of the guards at the entrance to the castle grounds.

Inside one of the multiple castle courtyards.

From inside the castle courtyard you almost can't get the facade in one picture. Inside it is definitely Gothic style. Around the sides there are multiple sets of buttresses to hold up the high walls.

From the walls of the castle complex you get some great views of the city below, the river, and some of the many bridges across the Vltava.

Have to take on of those "yes, we were here!" photos.

Nothing like an evening on the main square eating ice cream and people watching.

Now there's a fine example of some Baroque architecture! Don't forget, "if it's not Baroque, don't fix it."

Again, we timed it right to see the clock figures do their thing at the "astronomical clock."

There's Gothic, and then there's Baroque, when it comes to churches too. And then there's the ceiling of the castle library. Man those guys knew how to paint! Oops, I wasn't supposed to take that picture...

As our trip comes to an end we wandered one more time over to Wenceslas square. This is where the "Velvet revolution" took place in 1989, where the Czechs peacefully rebelled against communist rule.

What's Rosi looking for there?

Oh, she's looking over at that interesting grocery store on the other side of the road. There you are Albert, a grocery store with your name on it!


  1. Beautiful weather to enjoy a beautiful city with the added benefit of very few tourists!! Thanks for sharing your adventure.


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