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Some of the most beautiful lakes are by the Dachstein near Gosau. This incredible canyon has a series of three lakes at the foot of the mountain. Twice we went to hike around the lakes. The first attempt ended in a massive thunderstorm, which made for great pictures but a lot of wet clothes.

We started out on what appeared to be a bright sunny day.

As a slight sprinkle began we decided to eat our lunches and wait it out under some trees.

The slight sprinkle turned into a massive storm with clouds so dark it seemed like night. For quite some time we could barely see the other side of the lake.

Our little hideout under the trees became insufficient and we had to move under some nearby cliffs, where we could watch the water pour off the canyon side in torrents.

After about an hour waiting we decided to brave the storm, which had slowed a bit by now, and run back around the lake to the car. When we got back the storm had subsided. I love how the clouds hover around the valley and base of the mountains after each storm.


The Gosau lake area is so beautiful that we felt another attempt at hiking the region was warranted. On a warm summer day we headed back to Gosau. This time, weather held out better than our worn out, tired old legs. We managed to make it around two of the three lakes. The first lake, called the "Vorderer Gosausee" is the largest. Small streams and waterfalls come off the canyon walls into the lake.

Lots of people come here to walk around the lake on a warm summer weekend afternoon, have a picnic, and yes, even swim, although the water must be very cold as it comes from the glacier above the lake.

Across the lake you can see the local climbing wall.

On the way to the middle lake you wander through the woods past waterfalls. Rosi can't help but "admire/play with" the wildlife.

There's a little restaurant just above the first lake, but they only open when they feel like it.

The middle lake is called "Gosaulacke." It is more like a pond in the middle of the woods, surrounded by mossy meadows. It's extraordinarily quite, peaceful and beautiful.

 Up the canyon you can see the mountain is getting a little closer now.

Incredible reflections of clouds on the still water.

On the way back we once again see the rock climbers trying out their skills on the local climbing wall.

Maybe next time we will try making it all the way to the third lake.


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