At first, Austrian driving appears to be not much different than in the US, but upon more careful inspection, subtle but extremely important differences appear. Austrians are astonished and appalled at the lack of driver training required of Americans. The following short diatribe serves as a condensed "training" to overcome this obstacle. 1) Measurements - It may seem redundant to point out, but important to note, that in Austria everything is metric. Driving involves thinking in meters, kilometers, and Kmh (kilometers per hour (don't know why they insist on using "hour" rather than "stunde"). Speed limit signs are round, not rectangular. The limits at first seem extreme. Wow, I was flying down the Seestrasse going 80! Then you whip out your calculator, do the math, and realize that 80 Kmh is only 48 mph. Speed limit signs occur often, and at frequent intervals. Beware! You may see a series of 120, 100, 80, and 50 Kmh signs in quick succes...